No person
wants to be monitored by anyone, but sometimes we have to be
monitored without our will at that time we are simply irritated. If
we talk about employer-employee relationship then as an employer we
will love to monitor our employees as we pay them so it is our right
to know what are they doing. But as an employee, we will not like to
be monitored it is as simple as every human wants freedom like a free
bird in the sky. To solve the problem of monitoring and to maintain
the employer-employee relationship Employee Monitoring Software is
the best tool.
monitoring the employer can solve various issues of the organization.
A few decades ago the employer used to monitor their employees by
tapping the office phones, using video cameras for checking the
performance of employees and they also used to check the emails of
their employees. Now the world has changed and everything has become
modern. People are mostly using PCs for the work so it has become the
necessity of the employer to monitor the PCs, e-mails, web history
and the social sites.
The Employee
Monitoring can be easily done by the software. But the reason for
monitoring the employees can be categorized into following three
• To
monitor the norms, rules and regulations related to the security of
data and other forms of the corporate task performed by the
employees. To check that the data is not misused in any manner by any
employee. Some examples of institutions using the monitoring software
are healthcare and financial institutions.
• To be
aware of the insider threats is very important for big institutions.
The insider threat can damage seriously to the organization like the
court case, monetary problems etc.
• To
check the performance of the employees and to see whether they are
improving or not. To inspect that the employees are spending their
time in productive work or simply wasting the time. Mainly the
contractors can use this tool for their employees who are paid
Why do
employees feel insecure and unhappy?
Most of the
employees view the Employee Monitoring in a negative manner. They
think that they are caged by their boss. Very rare employees take
this as a security tool, most of them feel jealous of their boss who
monitor them.
employees have different views and negative points according to their
thinking in the following ways:
• Privacy
Many times
it happens that there are some serious private issues during the job
hours, which doesn’t mean that the employees are cheating their
• Matter
of trust:
Many true
and authentic employees get hurt that they are being analyzed and the
employer have zero trusts in them. Which can harm the productivity of
the business? This can also harm the employer-employee relationship.
• Stress
monitoring will surely hamper the progress of employee’s productivity. Mostly the employer's pressurize their employees to
work hard to achieve the target, which negatively affects the
motivation level of the employee.
must be kept happy so that they can happily work in the production
process. The employer must use some Employee Monitoring Software that
can help the employer to keep their employees happy and can get
desired productivity.